Are Homeless People Happy Living in Cardboard Boxes?

Ann Romney has gone on-line and asked wiki.answers a question that’s always been a puzzle to her.  Having never had to worry about her financial security, Ann’s question seems concerned about why homeless people make the choices they do regarding their living conditions.

Okay that’s not true.  I was just playing the game they play at FOX News by putting something out there to create misinformation for people who usually don’t keep up with politics.  By the time most of you would have realized that this was contrived, at least 50% would have taken it seriously and retained it within their memory at some level until the day they die.

But someone actually has asked the following question

“Why do homeless people choose to live in cardboard boxes?”

First you have to be naive to think that this was a realistic choice.  You’d also have to believe that being homeless was a choice I suppose.

But in the vein of this charade passing as a serious inquiry, let’s see what the top ten equally inane answers might be.

10. Cardboard doesn’t cling to you like plastic and remains in place better than newspapers

9. The homeless can more easily pick their neighborhood

8. Many homeless people are in tune with “going green” and participate in this by recycling old appliance boxes.

7. They no longer have an automobile

6. Being rent free and no maintenance, it meets their income levels

5. Once decorated with personal belongings it shows the general public that they are trying to improve their lot in life

4. There’s not enough trash dumpsters to meet demand

3. More amenable for expansion if they want to add a wing to their “residence”.

2. Today’s housing market shortage dictates that they find cheaper accommodations.

and the number 1 reason –  The discriminating homeless person sees cardboard boxes as a status symbol over street curbs and under bridges

Rumor has it that Gretchen Carlson was the person behind this question.





Just kidding again.


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