First There Was The Blair Witch Project; Now,The Groundhog Project…

Two nights ago, we noticed a very large mound of dirt in our front garden. Upon further inspection, one neighbor informed us that it looked as if someone or something was buried there.  Not wanting a dead body on our property, we began to investigate. This is the Groundhog Project. (Don’t mind any weeds. I didn’t get to behind the shed this week but they do add to the scary effect.)frankieJ

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6 thoughts on “First There Was The Blair Witch Project; Now,The Groundhog Project…”

    1. We had to have some fun with it since two of my neighbors swore someone was buried there and the sticks in the dirt proved it. As it turns out, it is the work of a very industrious groundhog who I guess was pissed that Frankie has knocked off the rest of his kin in the backyard.

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