I don’t find answers, I sculpt monuments of solutions.

And so, the inevitable, inevitably happens. The unflappable belief I have in my own brilliance, knows no bounds or so I thought. I know this sounds stupid but what if I’m not perfect? I did after all suggest that the internet would not catch on and so far, I have not been right about this at all, at all. Bill Y is nothing, if not an artist. I don’t find answers, I sculpt monuments of solutions. Do I want your praise and adulation? Does Dolly Parton sleep on her back? At least I can sleep, safe in the knowledge that I can brilliantly explain how Twitter works to my beautiful 18 month old niece:


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6 thoughts on “I don’t find answers, I sculpt monuments of solutions.”

    1. I know, it’s such a crazy, stupid and out of character notion. I can’t see it happening again!

    1. Sugartastic Daddy John told me how she sleeps. You don’t ask the Daddy how he knows stuff, not if you want to keep all of your own stuff!

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