Everything that’s wrong with this world we live in

I wouldn’t be a big fan of listening or learning or the separation of church and state, preferring instead to bow down to the undeniable power of magnets. To the causal observer, magnets are just materials or objects that produce a magnetic field but to those who spend their life on a spiritual journey of trying to figure out how they work, a higher plane of existence can be attained. My name is Bill Y and this is my testament:

Before my nephew Little Will Y was born, I swore an oath to shield him forever from the so-called music of Jon Jovi. My sister Phil Y agreed to travel this path with me and thank magnets the little dude has never had to endure the pain that comes with listening to said band. Not only has he never been exposed to the bland, mundane and bland mundane torture of sound that is Jon Jovi, he’s never even heard their name muttered. Yesterday in the park, we witnessed a miracle as Little Will Y instinctively understood everything that’s wrong with this world we live in:

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