Shocker! Mitt Prefers Big Bird over the Count

I was astounded to discover that of all the characters on Sesame Street that Mitt Romney would say that he loved, it was Big Bird.  At least that’s what he told Jim Lehrer the other night at the first Presidential debates in Denver

Who da thunk.

I would have bet my last dollar that Count von Count would have been Romney’s preference

"$1 million in my Cayman Offshore Account, $2 million in my Cayman Offshore Account, $3 million in my Cayman Offshore Account ... Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah"



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2 thoughts on “Shocker! Mitt Prefers Big Bird over the Count”

  1. I would have thought Oscar the Grouch! Poor, poor Big Bird. But if it makes you feel any better, Mario Turchiarolo, a screenwriter on HO, wants to give Big Bird his own reality show. He is thinking something like Big Bird Boo Boo.

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