Positive Thinking (Weight Loss Transformation)

Our Friends at Daily Fiber Films have tackled the challenges of weight loss!  Great video


[embedplusvideo height=”352″ width=”576″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/FhfuHRETrLw?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=FhfuHRETrLw&width=576&height=352&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep9751″ /]

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5 thoughts on “Positive Thinking (Weight Loss Transformation)”

  1. I DO look like a young Elizabeth Taylor! I DO look like a young Elizabeth Taylor! It’s happening! It’s happening! I DO look like a young Elizabeth Taylor!

    Uh …

    Oh well. Very funny video!

  2. In the DVD extras we’d reveal the fact that we shot on two separate days, months apart, and that Ray actually lost over 25 lbs between the two days. So, the “skinny” shots are somewhat real, but we did fat suit his body for the “fat takes”…

  3. I DO believe in the power of Positive Thinking! I DO believe in the power of Positive Thinking! I DO believe in the power of Positive Thinking!

    Now how much weight have I lost? Uh…

    Another FUNNY film from you guys! Keep them comin’.

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