Currently seeking a female companion who enjoys the outdoors and understands DNA replication.

Jill Y and I may not have the perfect relationship but we don’t detest each other and that’s a first for both of us. I thought her how to fart the theme tune to The Muppet Show and she thought me about the life and times of the shoes designer, Jimmy Choo. I’m often asked how we first met and I often answer that Jill Y answered a personal ad back when I was working in the research industry:


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4 thoughts on “Currently seeking a female companion who enjoys the outdoors and understands DNA replication.”

    1. This is possibly the best plug for a book that I have ever read so I will indeed read your book!

    1. Serial Killer, Serial Killer Bon Jovi Fan or another Serial Killer Bon Jovi Fan – are they not all serial killers when you get down to the bolts and nuts of things?

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