How To Win Black Friday

Black Friday is a day for crushing defeats on the shopping front. You brave frigid weather outside the store only to discover later in the Electronics section that someone else throws a better right hook. Your best scratching and biting get you absolutely nothing.

But next year you can win. Here’s how:

In late October go to the back of Best Buy and grab a box for the years hottest flatscreen from the dumpster. Go back home and fill it up with bricks. Reseal the box. When the doors open on Black Friday you and a friend carry the box into the store. No one in the massive crowd will suspect anything because you look just like any other pair of tag-team shoppers. Prop the box against a wall in Electronics. And then attach a sign showing the “Holiday Price!”, which is $99.99 for a TV that retails for $499.99.

Then stand back and wait for the fireworks:


The best part of your shopping experience will be watching the jubilant winner of the Flatscreen Steel Cage Fight. He’ll reach down to lift the box, feeling like things couldn’t get any better. And then his hernia will blow out.

When that guy staggers away, prop the box back up and keep filming.

Yes, during the Gold Rush the people who bought things died in the snowy mountain passes. The vendors selling them stuff ended up living large. You always want to be on the seller side of the equation.

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