Fotography One Oh One

As part of my taking over of the world of fotography, I’m putting perspective into perspective.


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7 thoughts on “Fotography One Oh One”

  1. There’s just no getting around it. Horizontal stripes make you look fat.

    When this cat sits around the house, it sits—a r o u n d—the house.

    If elected, Bernie Sanders will take the steps necessary to slim down such fat cats.

    Oh, Honey! You need to take the stairs.

    Hate to be catty, but you’re a fatty boombalatty.

    1. When are your octuplets due? Oh, you’re not?

      You strike me as an X-rated cat stuck in a PG body.

      Which is funnier? HELLO CHOLESTEROL! or Hi, Cholesterol.

      You need an exercise regimen. For starters, try pushing away from the old food bowl.

      1. Bill, your comments are far more entertaining than any post I’ve ever done and it doesn’t matter which way you look at it. It’s fact.

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