The Speech-Bubble Never Lies.

I’ve been telling people this for years and people have been laughing at me for years.

Well you can stop laughing at me now people.

This has to be true because it’s in a speech-bubble:


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22 thoughts on “The Speech-Bubble Never Lies.”

  1. I totally agree with you Bill Y, because you say it’s true and it’s in a speech bubble . . .

  2. A word of cowtion: Don’t put stock in everything you’ve herd; there’s too much at steak. How was this result cowculated in the first place, and was it ever cowroborated? This could be a bum steer, and, anyway, in the end, isn’t the point mooot?

        1. How many is Kathy, Chef, Pete, Mike, Forrest, Mark, Maura, Theresa, and Bill?

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