For far too many years, we, the people of the world have sat idly by with hands covering ears as Bon Jovi continue to assault the auditory senses…


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4 thoughts on “For far too many years, we, the people of the world have sat idly by with hands covering ears as Bon Jovi continue to assault the auditory senses…”

  1. As a follow-up, Bill Y, to your revelation in a comment on “Kathy’s Points to Remember” that you live in a castle, I’m guessing you live in Malahide Castle. Dublin Castle and Clontarf are closer to downtown Dublin, but I’m going with Malahide because I read that it has a ha-ha in front of it, and you would definitely choose a castle with a ha-ha over one without a ha-ha.

  2. This post is music to my ears—but I foresee some issues.

    1. Such a filter might not just delete mentions; it might block access to entire sites such that we might be blocked from because so many of your posts mention .

    2. Or, possibly, all of your posts that mention would be lost to us.

    3. Even if we still have access to the site and to all of your posts, some of the humor might be lost. For example, if you compared to Kristen Stewart or Barry Manilow or howler monkeys, the absence of the name might cause some confusion.

    4. In cases of multiple-filter implementation, the Internet could end up reading like a redacted government document. Your post might read like ” are to music what is to facial expression.” I foresee news items saying, ” has hired to perform at his rally in New Jersey, and two members of the family, including the recently transgendered , will also appear.”

    The loss of the full impact of your humor is, in my opinion, too high a price to pay so I cannot—Nay WILL not—sign your petition. I urge others to follow my example. The cause of humor demands that we reject Internet filters now and forever.

    1. I’m all about the greater good, Bill. I will selflessly and unselfishly migrate to my own head with nothing but the sheer contentment one can only imagine that ridding the world of the co-called music of B n J vi brings.

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