6 thoughts on “Not all heroes wear capes.”

    1. Don’t think too long on it now. Thirsty D has been known to drink all of the beer, be it his or not!

  1. I am humbled by this man’s determination and grit. You always bring us these brave people whose love of alcohol knows no bounds. Thank you Bill Y! 🙂

    1. Thanks Don Don’s and you’re welcome but Thirsty D helps out with the alcohol related posts! 🙂

  2. “Whether to suffer the SLINGS and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take ARMS against a sea of troubles . . . ”

    (Wow! Thank you for identifying Christopher Reeve as the source of the quotation. That fact does give this a darker edge.) And let me say this to you, Bill Y: In my book you are super, man. Over here it’s Thanksgiving, and I’m sure I speak for all humankind when I say we’re thankful for you.

    1. Thanks for that Bill. I’m thankful for me too. Knowing that I help make the world a better place is enough for me to carry on making it a better place.

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