Runners and Family Holiday Gatherings

Well, it’s Holiday time once again and the inevitable family get-togethers. Don’t get me wrong, they can be fun and enjoyable but, for us runners it can be challenging. While a marathon will test our endurance and a 5K will test our speed, these family gatherings can test our patience, especially by the non runners who are convinced we are certifiably crazy.

Mom: Oh honey you’re so thin. You need to put some weight on. Have some mashed potatoes and gravy!

What you’re thinking: Yeah, right, it took me 4 months to get down to my goal running weight and now you want to fatten me up!

What you say: Thanks Mom, I’ll take some leftovers home with me.


Uncle Bob: What do you do in the winter time? It’s too cold to run outside. You don’t really run outside do you?

What you’re thinking: They make things called hats and gloves you know.

What you say: Yes.


Grandma Sylvia: You ran another race? You shouldn’t run, you’ll ruin your knees!

What you’re thinking: This from someone who uses a walker and never walked further than from the front door to the mailbox and back.

What you say: Thanks Grandma, I’ll keep that in mind.


Old Cousin Sal: So you ran a 10K that’s like what 10 miles or so? It must be pretty painful to run that far.

What you’re thinking: No it’s 6.2 miles. Have you never heard of the metric system?

What you say: Yep, just a glutton for punishment.


Next door neighbor: I see you out there every day. I could never do that, I’d run out of things to think about.

What you’re thinking: Yet, you never run out of things to say, do you?

What you say: You’re such a deep thinker, no way.


Brother in law Harry: I’ve heard that runners get hurt and are in pain.

What you’re thinking: This from a guy who’s a hypochondriac and visits the doctor one a week.

What you say: Yep, this sports not for everyone.


And do it goes!

Merry Christmas everyone!

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