Sex and Driving: the Ultimate Distraction?

orange © by zappowbang

A Florida woman was charged with armed robbery after she pulled a gun on a man who was engaged in sex with her while he was driving his car. I’m not being prudish here, but isn’t that a lot of activity going on at once? I know this sounds sort of crass, but don’t you admire their coordination just a little? I don’t chew gum and drive at the same time.  Honestly, I am not shocked that the woman participated in the armed robbery of her “date”. To me, this is the type of story that gives Florida its unique flair, but I am shocked about the moving car. This was all out sex, not you know…the other kind of sex. They couldn’t even pull off to the side of the road? Where were they going and why were they in such a hurry?

Apparently, the gentleman in question punched the 26-year-old alleged female thief in the face in hopes that she would let go of the gun – the weapon, not him. In fact, no mention was made of him trying to get her off his lap at all.  After the altercation, he lost control of the car and well, it crashed.  The woman was charged with armed robbery, but I haven’t heard a thing about the man. If it is illegal to drink and drive or to text and drive, isn’t it at least a misdemeanor in Florida to have someone, who is bigger than a Chihuahua, sitting on your lap while you drive? Call me a fan of the National Enquirer, but I would pay to be on this jury.

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12 thoughts on “Sex and Driving: the Ultimate Distraction?”

  1. Hi! Dropped by to visit your site and latest article- Oh, my, never would even guess something like this would happen – Hope you get called for jury duty – though you will probably be excused when you cannot stop laughing:)

  2. Maybe the man woke up that morning and thought to himself, “I never had sex with a total stranger in a moving car. I think I’ll try that today, so I can scratch it off my bucket list.”

    I think he’s been punished enough, especially since no insurance company is going to pay for the damages to his car after they find out why he crashed it. But yes, he was definitely driving while impaired. At least his driving was impaired. I don’t know about his performance.

  3. Pretty sure this is why Google or whoever is developing cars that drive themselves. They’re just not telling us that.

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