Busy, Cheney, and Rumsfeld Disgusted At Obama’s Use of National Tragedy to Push a Pre-Existing Political Agenda

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld

Former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney, and former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to proclaim their absolute disgust at the way that President Obama has used a national tragedy as reason to embark on a pre-planned political strategy to reduce violent gun deaths of children.

“It’s absolutely despicable,” said Cheney, “the way he has used a tragedy like this to push his tyrannical agenda. The World has seen that this is his trade. He is not working from the center.”

“He’s always wanted to limit child deaths by at least 9-11% and I think he’s grasping on this most recent national sorrow to further those goals,” added Rumsfeld.

Who would do such a thing?” asked former President Bush. “There’s an old saying and I don’t know who said it… I think someone in Texas or maybe New York… that says, fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me… you can’t get fooled again.”

There has been no official comment from the Obama Administration on these recent remarks.

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3 thoughts on “Busy, Cheney, and Rumsfeld Disgusted At Obama’s Use of National Tragedy to Push a Pre-Existing Political Agenda”

  1. Look who’s talking! Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld used their pre-existing political agenda to push a national tragedy! Actually, more than one. Iraq. Afghanistan. De-regulation of banks that pushed us into a recession. Need I go on?

  2. Isn’t it funny that the most “pro-life” people on the planet have no problem with so many innocent deaths. I guess pro-life only counts inside the womb.

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