Fun Prank

When considering if you should play a fun prank on someone, many factors need to be taken into consideration. If the prankee is not impressed with your little stunt, can you outrun them? Are the tables likely to be turned and hurled at you violently? Is your victim Ryan Gosling? This factor is very important as Ryan Gosling fans are mostly teenage girls who are by far the most dangerous demographic to freak out. A professional pranker will always write his ideas down and take side-notes:



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4 thoughts on “Fun Prank”

    1. It’s so rare that anything works for me at all. If it works once, I’m all over it.

  1. well, if you live in North Dakota or Idaho No arrest because then it’s just anti-government, US constitution-blessed fun! This is a bold prank indeed!

    1. North Dakota and Idaho sound like decent hang-outs for someone like me!

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