Innovations In Marketing

exerciseI’m a big fan of using unconventional methods to market a cherished creation. The way I see it, the more guerilla-underground your approach, the better it is. For my first book I considered tattooing my book cover on my back and streaking naked onto the stage at the last papal inauguration. But I hate both needles and incarceration, so I went with printing up business cards instead.

The other day I came across a true marketing maestro. A guy who creates videos of at-home workouts came up with a simple but ingenious idea. He filmed a workout with a model doing squats in a living room, using some strange metal device for balance. But while the workout was being filmed the guy did an on-camera squat himself – in the adjacent bathroom, with the door open.

Pure genius. The whole thing could be staged, but who cares. His video has garnered 165,000 views on You Tube. Chuck Norris and Christy Brinkley never came close to pulling down numbers like that.

I watched the video. It didn’t really help much on the fitness front. But it’s definitely improved my technique in the bathroom.

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3 thoughts on “Innovations In Marketing”

  1. Maybe this is the bathroom guy’s way of critiquing the video. Instead of thumbs up or down …. No, I’m not going to go there.

  2. Now I like watching models do squats as much as much as the next dude but watching the dude do his business doesn’t sound like a shit load of fun at all, at all!

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