Mouse or Cobra?

So you think you know stuff? What’s that like then? If I had a currency for everything I know, I would have a grand total of no money. Although I’ve never reported anything in my life, I do like to think of myself as a Reporter. I like to report on the necessary. This brings me to many places, deep within the unconfined restraints of my imagination. I call a spade, a tool for digging stuff for that is what a spade is. Sometimes a reporter might not know what they’re talking about, even though a mouse and a cobra are two very different things:


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12 thoughts on “Mouse or Cobra?”

    1. Anything that involves “twisting genitals” is probably going to involve a degree of pain alright!

  1. He might have a career after he gets out of jail from making balloon animals at kid’s birthday parties, though I sincerely hope not.

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