You selfish son of a female dog.

I’ll keep this brief boys and girls. The reason you’re going to love me today isn’t because I’m a loveable rascal although that I am. No, the reason you’re going to love me today is that I’m going to stop anyone from ever telling you that “your existence gives me diarrhea.” It’s quite simple really. Never tell anyone that you have all the hope in the world because that’s one of the most selfish things you could ever do. There’s only so much hope to go around and if you’re going to keep it all for yourself, you deserve exactly what you get. You selfish son of a female dog:


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14 thoughts on “You selfish son of a female dog.”

  1. Female dogs get blamed for a lot of things they don’t do, including having human male children.

    1. I think I can safely say that I’ve never blamed a female dog on having a human male child. Well, I can’t remember if I did but more than likely it never happened!

  2. If the one who had ALL of the hope had shared some it, then maybe the other wouldn’t have contracted diarrhea.

    One can only hope.

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