In Groundhog Day, Bill Murray plays Phil Connors, an arrogant Pittsburgh TV weatherman who, during an assignment covering the annual Groundhog Day event in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, finds himself in a time loop, repeating the same day again and again.

Some things never change.


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8 thoughts on “In Groundhog Day, Bill Murray plays Phil Connors, an arrogant Pittsburgh TV weatherman who, during an assignment covering the annual Groundhog Day event in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, finds himself in a time loop, repeating the same day again and again.”

  1. From a Pennsylvanian, the fact that you spelled Pittsburgh and Punxsutawney correctly makes me love you just a little bit more, Bill Y, which of course, I thought was next to impossible!

    1. I’m not going to lie. Since Bill Spencer joined us, I’ve upped my game. I’ve so much to learn from him but I sure ain’t going to waste his time on the basics.

  2. I would like to win the Powerball Lottery, and end up in a loop where I kept repeating THAT day over and over.

    1. Nice. I like the type pf person who gets three wishes and only uses two of them on Bon Jovi hatred and the third on three more wishes!

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