Nicely played, Amazon.

I’ll take three of each.

Now show me those other 43 items.


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12 thoughts on “Nicely played, Amazon.”

  1. I was going to comment, but, on second thought, I’m just not going there! 😉

  2. So now we’re playing Guess The Item Bill searched for? I’m guessing that it wasn’t something to give his mom for Mother’s Day.

    1. I do’t know, the Bill Y mom brought me into this world so… I blame the parents.

  3. I was trying to figure out what your original search was, but the first thing that popped into my head was screw Kim Kardashian with a straw and so I stopped trying to figure it out. Where’s my AHH! imogi when I need it?

  4. Truly bizarre. I wanted to investigate what the original item was, but I knew if I searched these 3 products, I’d get pop-up ads for grotesqueries the rest of my life.

    What WAS the original item?

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