Thirsty Dave has his say

You might like to convince yourself that you’re a helpful person and it’s quite possible that you are but nobody does helpful, quite like Thirsty Dave. Because he spends so much of his time and […]

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If you say something enough times, you’ll eventually start to believe it and that’s why I can be heard screaming “Bon Jovi don’t exist” several thousand times each day. I used to have an inferiority […]

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The expression of the child

Sometimes the expression of a child speaks volumes and sometimes the volume of that expression can have far-reaching consequences. These words you read were written but sometimes the expression of a child can say so […]

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Nucleus of a notion

I had one of those ideas that some people are so fond of having. I’m not saying it was a fully fledged idea but the nucleus of a notion. You know the way people give […]

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A whiter shade of a different color

San Francisco is a real place with real people and real food. With this in mind, I decided to check out where I could go for a meal with a San Franciscan woman I had […]

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Kids are morons

I was never a kid. I was always the age I am now and always will be the age I am now, in my infinite awesomeness. Some people are eager to learn new things but […]

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They say Jon Bon Jovi is head and shoulders above the rest but I have a plan

Because I’m so awesome, I always drop massive big hints about what I’d like for my birthday. Sometime these hints are non specific, like the cessation or world peace and sometimes they’re just wishful thinking, […]

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King Zuckerberg of Facebook

If I was to tell you that Mark Zuckerberg, King of Facebook was in fact a direct descendant of Philip IV, King of Spain, you might not truly believe me. You might ask if I […]

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Perception Of Panels

Nobody ever approached me and suggested that life was going to be easy. By the same token, nobody ever approached me and suggested that life was going to be one impossible to understand phenomenon called […]

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Somethings in life take a lifetime to get over

Even now, after having some time to digest the news, I just cannot understand why she had a smile on her face. When a surgeon breaks bad news to a family, the last thing on […]

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