What I Did Today

Ravioli punch hid for a long time

Busy, busy day. I’m exhaustedand hurting.

1) Woke up. Good start to the day.

2) Got up. Right away, Go me! The Energizer Bunny(tm), you bet.

3) Had a glazed doughnut for breakfast.

4) Showered again. There’s always time for cleanliness.

5) Dressed again and didn’t even go outside to the peoply world.

6)  Wrestled with finances again for a long time. The storm clouds gathered.

7) Did something. My mind’s mush from the day’s wrestling matches.

8) Started to pause and reflect. Realized I didn’t have time, so I stopped.

9) Looked for well over an hour looking for my ravioli punch. I had to take out all sorts of kitchen untensils out of the drawers and put them back. Hurt my pack from all this bending down and squatting and then getting up again.

10) Found my ravioli punch. It transpired that it was in the box with the pasta machine. I put the punch there because it was the most logical place for it to be. If there’s something like logic in the spirit world, tell it that I’m not happy with it.

11) Made ravioli. It’s a highly repetitive process that requires a fair amount of concentration. I also made ravioli sauce.

12) The ravioli turned out well, thank goodness.

13) Flour got all over me and the table.

14) Ate ravioli in minutes. Thank goodness, it was tasty.

15) Revised my ravioli recipe again. Although, I think it’s a keeper this time.

16) Briefly thought about estimating the total cost of ingredients and ravioli gizmos and the total time needed to get to the point where I am happy with my ravioli. However, my mind utterly recoiled at the thought. I’ll never again question the price of restaurant ravioli

17) Cleaned up a bit. Hooray, a native is cleaning up the rest of the mess.

18) I’m really in the mood for some murder mysteries.

Behave yourselves.


– Paul De Lancey, The Comic Chef, Ph.D.



Check out my novel, the hilarious apocalyptic thriller, Do Lutheran Hunks Eat Mushrooms? It’s published by HumorOutcasts and is available in paperback

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2 thoughts on “What I Did Today”

  1. The internet is a great place to meet like-minded people.
    I too, did #1

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