29% of that audience is not cool.

71% of that audience is cool:

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Valentines Day Checklist For Dudes

Babysitter for imaginary (or real) kids √ Realization that no matter what you do, it isn’t going to be enough √ Buy all available shoes √ Tiny invisible earphone to let you discretely listen to […]

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Uncertainty v Certainty

Even now I’m not sure what the argument was about. I know there was mention of ninjas, albino trout and robotic surgical systems and I know Jill Y was massively disappointed with me over something. […]

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I’ve got a certain amount of problems and the female dog is a certain amount of them.

Q: Why did the two 4’s skip lunch? A: They already 8!

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This world is cruel.

I never wanted for anything when I was growing up so I decided that my imaginary daughter will. All she wants is a Hannah Montana with a bass guitar. Not gonna happen, sweet thing. This […]

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They don’t call her Scurvy “Everything In Moderation” Jane for no reason.

Unlike Thirsty Dave, Scurvy Jane knows when to stop drinking. She only drank a quarter bottle of wine and was as happy as a Smurf in Blue Man Group:

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I may need to save up a long time for this…

But I WILL have it:

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