Instinctively knowing the right thing to do, isn’t always easy

I called Jill Y and asked where she was. She told me she was out looking at shoes, as is usually the case. I told her she misunderstood my question and that I wanted to […]

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All the TASTE of beef, all the GOODNESS of beef and all the BEEF of beef in a 100% vegetarian burger.

I wouldn’t be one of those vegetarians who eats rabbit food. I prefer to eat non-rabbit food and rabbits. Jill Y, on the other end of the arm beside the wrist, is a full on […]

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The continuous sequence of changes undergone by an organism from one primary form, as a gamete, to the development of the same form again.

I love bacon. Bacon loves eggs. It’s all a cycle…

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Some companies instinctively know how to use the tweet machine.

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Nicely played, Amazon.

I’ll take three of each. Now show me those other 43 items.

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