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Gentle Lady Seeks Ornamental Hermit.

Thank you Craigslist. I need someone to cover for me. Bill Y is going to get himself a cape. Me, a gentlewoman: Of good birth and in the bloom of youth; Possessed of vast estates […]

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The Power of Will

Willpower doesn’t come to all in equal measures. It’s a skillfully crafted talent that takes dedication to the max. We decided to test this in a real live environment and went out in the world. […]

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Me, my giraffe and I

When I was supposed to be growing up, I didn’t want a pony like my sister because a pony like my sister would have been weird. I wanted a giraffe and I got one too […]

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Beckham To Play Soccer In Los Angeles

If you were to ask Sugartastic Daddy John, to name his three greatest heroes, he would tell you that it’s me, David Beckham and me. He remembers where he was when we first met because […]

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