Gym Morrison

I’m someone who wants to give you the money I don’t have. You just have to make me realize it and it’s all systems go. And so it was that I joined the gym but […]

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I’m so glad they legalized pot

Ethan liked to march and demonstrate and demonstrate that he liked to march. One March, after a day of heavy marching and demonstrating, the news that he was waiting for finally came through. He decided […]

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Real Pregnancy Action

The world is full of different people and different people make the world go round. Some people know about hyperhomocysteinemia, some people know about expressive aphasia and some claim to know how magnets work but […]

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When food is crap

Thirsty Dave has frequented the same exclusively, exclusive restaurant chain since he was a kid. Back in the day, his favorite food was Chicken McNuggets, full of smiles and impending diabetes. These days, his taste […]

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Thirsty Dave has his say

You might like to convince yourself that you’re a helpful person and it’s quite possible that you are but nobody does helpful, quite like Thirsty Dave. Because he spends so much of his time and […]

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If you say something enough times, you’ll eventually start to believe it and that’s why I can be heard screaming “Bon Jovi don’t exist” several thousand times each day. I used to have an inferiority […]

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The expression of the child

Sometimes the expression of a child speaks volumes and sometimes the volume of that expression can have far-reaching consequences. These words you read were written but sometimes the expression of a child can say so […]

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Nucleus of a notion

I had one of those ideas that some people are so fond of having. I’m not saying it was a fully fledged idea but the nucleus of a notion. You know the way people give […]

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A whiter shade of a different color

San Francisco is a real place with real people and real food. With this in mind, I decided to check out where I could go for a meal with a San Franciscan woman I had […]

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Kids are morons

I was never a kid. I was always the age I am now and always will be the age I am now, in my infinite awesomeness. Some people are eager to learn new things but […]

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