Let’s Play the Online Translator Game

Again, I seem to have been inspired by something Bill Y. Ledden did (which was made necessary by my throwing a bunch of Italian at him). I believe in giving credit where it is due, even for something silly, so thank you, Bill.

The object of the Online Translator Game is to start off with a phrase in English, translate it into some other language via one of those free online translators, and keep going back and forth. The sentence you end up with should not bear much resemblance to the one you started out with.

Because of all the attention that a couple of us have been giving to the Italians this week, I will use Italian as the other language.

Ready? Here goes (with deep apologies to Robert Frost).

ENGLISH: Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; he will not see me stopping here to watch his woods fill up with snow.

ITALIAN: Di chi legno questi sono io pensi che sappia. La sua casa è nel villaggio comunque; non lo vederà smettere qui di guardare il suo legno riempire in su di neve.

ENGLISH: Of who wood these are I tasks that I know. Its house is in the village however; it will not see it to stop here to watch its wood to fill up in on snow.

ITALIAN: Di chi di legno queste sono mansioni di I che conosco. La relativa casa è nel villaggio tuttavia; non la vederà per smettere qui di guardare il relativo legno per riempire in su dentro su neve.

And the final version is: *drumroll*

ENGLISH: Of who of wood these are duties of that I know. The relative house is in the village however; it will not see it in order to stop here to watch the relative wood in order to fill up in on within on snow.

Aren’t languages wonderful!

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2 thoughts on “Let’s Play the Online Translator Game”

  1. This might just be the bestest game ever.

    I started off with an original phrase:

    “All I want from life is to remove Bon Jovi from the realm of consciousness and be accepted as brilliant” Bill Y 2010

    English: “All I want from life is to remove Bon Jovi from the realm of consciousness and be accepted as brilliant” Bill Y 2010

    Italian: Il “ tutto che voglia a partire da vita deve rimuovere Bon Jovi dal regno della coscienza ed essere accettato come ” brillante Bill Y 2010

    English: “ the all that it wants beginning from life must remove Bon Jovi from the reign of the conscience and be accepted like ” shining Bill Y 2010

    Italian: il “ il tutto che vuole l’inizio a partire dalla vita deve rimuovere Bon Jovi dal regno della coscienza ed essere accettato come ” che lucida Bill Y 2010

    English: the “ all that it wants l’ beginning beginning from the life must remove Bon Jovi from the reign of the conscience and be accepted like ” that lucid Bill Y 2010


    1. I learned this game from someone, but I can’t give that person credit because I don’t remember who it was. It’s good for some laughs.

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