Speculations on the offensive statement that pushed Kanye over the edge

photo credit: accidentalpaparazzi via photopin cc
photo credit: accidentalpaparazzi via photopin cc

Just when we thought Kanyeshian (Kanye West and Kim Kardashian) was retreating from the media, something dramatic happened to throw them right back into the spotlight where they aspire to be.

Yahoo! News recently reported that Kanye West is a battery suspect for an assault that occurred on January 13, 2014 in Beverly Hills.

Reports allege Kanye assaulted a bystander who yelled offensive things at Kim Kardashian.

Kanye couldn’t be reached for comment, mostly because whenever he speaks it’s incoherent, so no one bothered trying.

It’s probably for the best.

photo credit: myalexis via photopin cc
photo credit: myalexis via photopin cc

At this point the reports aren’t clear as to what offensive statements were made, although they must have been bad if they incited violence from Kanye.

He’s normally such a grounded guy.

Although we don’t know what was said to Kardashian, I’ve made a list of a few of the most offensive statements I could think of that could ever be yelled to Kardashian.

I know I would be offended if I heard anyone say the following about her:

  • You’re a really good influence on young women.”
  • One of the four geographical directions would be the perfect name for your child.”
  • Everyone takes you seriously and respects you as an artist.”
  • Of course! Your Teen Choice Award TOTALLY make you a legitimate actress.”
  • Your boobs look really natural.”

For now we can only speculate as to which offensive statement sent Kanye over the edge. Whatever it was, I suspect it won’t be that shocking of a revelation.

Perhaps what’s most shocking of all, however, is that news outlets seem to think Kanye and Kim are still relevant.

Perhaps that’s the most offensive thing of all.

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5 thoughts on “Speculations on the offensive statement that pushed Kanye over the edge”

  1. I’m sooooo happy that I don’t know anything about the people in the pictures. I’ve never been so blissfully happy in my ignorance before!

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