How to skilfully apologize after the fact.

Decisions have consequences, actions have reactions and Bon Jovi make me sick. On impulse, I bought a new bike and it felt right. I realized that I then had to break the news to Jill […]

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I’m no medical doctor but I think it’s safe to assume that this is uncured.

Nobody thinks about the sweat of Usain Bolt. Maybe it’s because, as a society, we’re preoccupied with other stuff or something but I state a fact. There’s something about Mary which is common knowledge but […]

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Star Wars: Episode VIII Darth Vader v Albi Einstein.

Talking Star Wars with my son is always interesting because I don’t have a son but if Darth Vader was still around and Albi Einstein was still around, it would probably go down like this.

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Some kitchen utensils are really funny but that’s not really common knowledge.

When Sugartastic Daddy John told Scurvy Jane that she had the sense of humor of a kitchen utensil, she thought he was being sarcastic. He wasn’t. Some kitchen utensils are really funny but that’s not […]

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I don’t know what happened next but I’m glad I wasn’t there to see it

One is a neurotic chef who’s always screaming with incomprehensible gibberish whilst chasing his ingredients around the set and the other is the Swedish Chef.

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“In some darkened corner, an evil troll named Karma was rolling on the floor laughing, hysterically.” – Belle Malory, The Twelfth Keeper.

“No matter where you are located, we all live in a karma induced state.” – Carl Henegan, Darkness Left Undone.

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For far too many years, we, the people of the world have sat idly by with hands covering ears as Bon Jovi continue to assault the auditory senses…

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