If you can read this, you’ll be sorry you can…

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Your own personal gargoyle…

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Watching TV with the Opposite SEX

It’s a relaxing evening at home just right for watching a movie. I sit down with my wife on the loveseat and think how nice this is when our cat jumps up between us and […]

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Our Inventive Dad.

I think I inherited my inventive ways from my dad. I remember the first time he made us a television. My sister and I were totally in awe and even though we only had one […]

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They should announce a sequel to Groundhog Day and then just re-release the original.

They should announce a sequel to Groundhog Day and then just re-release the original. They should announce a sequel to Groundhog Day and then just re-release the original. They should announce a sequel to Groundhog […]

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I know better and so does she.

Jill Y asked me to put some spaghetti on the stove. She can’t divorce me if we’re not married, can she?

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A deep and meaningful thinker of things

Before losing my new phone, I got a new phone. So I looked for a pen and I found a pen and done the type of realizing that only a deep and meaningful thinker of […]

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Puns about pizza are all about the delivery.

When Thirsty Dave said he had some pizza chillin’ in the fridge, he wasn’t joking:

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