Our New Year’s resolution is to take a long, hard look at our imaginary son and see what we can find.

Back in the day, our imaginary son was diagnosed with AD240p but it wasn’t very clear what was going on. These days, thanks to advances in modern technology, we’re lucky to have a much more […]

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Learn how to count to seven, using my non-patented dog method

Back in the day, before I was a complete and utter, total loser, I was just a waste of space so yes, dreams do come through. I wouldn’t be one of those dependable people who […]

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My Happy Place

Back in the day, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, Sugartastic Daddy John, Thirsty Dave and I were single, non-attached entities. We would scour the streets, looking for women who might look on us with pity […]

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