Dr. Spooner’s 2014 NFL Season

DR. SPOONER REVIEWS NFL YEAR 2014 Every so often Dr. William Spooner gets in my head and wants to talk football, specifically the NFL, and sometimes about his favorite team, (he says “heavens favorite”) the […]

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TCU’s Day of Infamy

http://gty.im/158819376 TCU VIEWS SELECTION DAY AS INFAMOUS On December 7th, for fourth spot in the football playoffs, the selection committee picks… Ohio State. Ohio State? After Texas Christian University was third place on December 1st […]

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Watson Brown Better Than Amos A Stagg

http://gty.im/3225306 “You know that Hall of Fame coach, Alonzo Stagg?” Lyle bursts in. “Well, Ol’ Watson Brown, Mack’s brother, done beat him.” “He did?” I ask. Sure, I remember Watson. When he was offensive coordinator […]

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