Donate them to Society for the Prevention of the so-called music of Bon Jovi

When my time has come and I depart this Bon Jovi infested world, I hope to do so laughing. If I have any belongings, I will leave them to my son who will in turn, […]

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It’s good to be happy

Some might say “The Bible”. Others might say “A Bon Jovi Calendar/Picture/Poster/Sound/Concert/T-Shirt/Sighting”. There are some that would say “A scratch card”. People are people and tastes differ greatly. One mans poison will always be another […]

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Book Rental Service

Thinking – some people think a lot and try to figure out how magnets work while some think very little and become Bon Jovi fans. Sure, some people are concerned about global warming, racism and […]

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I’d rather shower in piss than listen to Bon Jovi

I’m a big animal fan. I like bacon, bacon double cheese burgers, buffalo wings, ham, pork and so on and so forth. I could go around with a ‘Don’t become a vegetarian, you selfish son […]

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The road to riches is paved with George Lucas’ intentions

Some say you can ignore the cesspool of low life scum and pretend that life is a Disney movie. Some say Disney did not produce Lindsay Lohan. I can assure you that this is far […]

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