Apologies if I’m BORGing you.

The Canadian Borg will be with you as soon as humanly possible, s’il vous plait.

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Bipartisan Parmesan: The Cheesy Side of Politics – Lever No. 5

I thought the Democratic Presidential Debate’s audience was practicing yodeling skills when they echoed . . . ♫ Mark O’Malley Whooooooo? ♫

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Spot the happy Star Wars fan who doesn’t have to listen to Bon Jovi.

When I see a picture, my imagination usually mocks Bon Jovi and praises Star Wars. Sometimes it gets a chance to do both at the same time.

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Welcome To The Internet.

Welcome to the Internet. There’ll be no looking forward and no looking back on this bus. There will be plenty of looking to the right.

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