The powerful healing qualities of music

For as long as people have been able to sit down, being stood up has always hurt more than a 24-hour radio station that plays Bon Jovi continuously for 24-hours on the radio. Some people […]

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What if the careers adviser was wrong?

Laughing at people is great but laughing at yourself is even better. There’s no proof to suggest that laughing at yourself makes you more attractive to the opposite sex but there’s also no proof to suggest […]

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Am I original yet?

Originality is not something we see every day. What we do see every day is the same old bland Bon Jovi and the next up and coming, wannabe, bland Bon Jovi with their color by numbers, […]

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This story has a certain rhythm, a certain pulse. It starts with a statement. The statement is followed by question. The question is followed by an answer. The answer is followed by a HAHAHAHAHAAH. The HAHAHAHAHAAH […]

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I have seen the future and it scares the bejaysus out of me

They said it couldn’t be done. I doubted it. There’s no way George Lucas can make any more of a monumental, catastrophic cock-up to the already, forever tainted Star Wars prequels, they said. I doubted […]

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Jill Y loves reading her magazines. Not a day goes by without the sun rising and the sun going down. Every day and every night she makes me do relationship quizzes that are designed to […]

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A solution to obesity

Along with trimming my ever-expanding stomach after the excesses of an excessive Christmas, I’m trying to trim my bitter resentment for everything that moves and everything that doesn’t. Visiting the gym will take care of […]

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The Unicorn Code

When you’re someone who doesn’t know anything about anything and you suddenly gain access to factual information, your mind is elevated to levels not seen since the 80’s band Level 42 took pop-funk to the […]

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What’s in a name?

People tend to remember me and not for the right reasons. I make more mistakes than George Lucas did in the Star Wars prequels but I console myself with the fact that I’m not a […]

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A good wife brings balance to a man’s life…

I think it was Jimmy Brown who said “This is a man’s world, this is a man’s world but it wouldn’t be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl”. In a country with a […]

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