What We All Really Want

Keeping fit with Doughnut Toss

We all want to eat doughnuts all day long and never gain a pound.

But that’s impossible, you say.

Until now!

Because of Doughnut TossTM.

Yes, buy Doughnut Toss. It comes with a starter set of six doughnuts.

How do I play?

Just stand twelve feet away and throw a doughnut at your fellow player. If she catches it, she gets to eat it. If he drops or misses the doughnut, he has to toss the doughnut back to you. Keep throwing doughnuts until they’re all eaten. You can almost feel the calories burning off. The player who eats the most doughnuts, wins. It’s that simple.

You want to play again and again. So, be sure to stock up on official Doughnut Toss replacement packs. (Comes in sizes of six or twelve.)

Doughnut Toss, making fitness tasty!

You betcha.


– Paul De Lancey, The Comic Chef, Ph.D.


Check out my latest novel, the hilarious apocalyptic thriller, Do Lutheran Hunks Eat Mushrooms? It’s published by HumorOutcasts and is available in paperback or Kindle on amazon.com

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