Zachary is not taking drugs with his friends.

Zachary is 19 years of age. Like all people who are 19 years of age, he’s one year away from his 20th birthday but that all seems like a year away, at this particular juncture […]

120 petabyte hard drive

If I was 2+67+7+1+15-34+35-1 years of age, I would be 92 years of age. If I was 92 years of age, I would have a 120 petabyte hard drive of things that would have bothered […]

Gut-Busting Words With Kids

Humorist Art Linkletter is most well known for his popular broadcast program Kids Say the Darndest Things, which ran from the 1940s through the 1960s. However, beyond merely saying the darndest things, sometimes kids DO the darndest […]