The Kindle Fire doesn’t allow you to consume books this way

Every minute of every day, the genius of Thirsty Dave just grows and grows. Scurvy Jane joined a new band ‘The elastic liquorice baseball bats who are fond of reading books about the life and […]

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The like minded individuals who don’t understand why George Lucas is writing another Indiana Jones film that will star Harrison Ford

Scurvy Jane was asked to join a new band with the unusual moniker ‘The like minded individuals who don’t understand why George Lucas is writing another Indiana Jones film that will star Harrison Ford’. They […]

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The like minded individuals who don’t understand why George Lucas made those Star Wars prequels

Scurvy Jane recently placed an ad in the local shop window, looking for a new band – ‘Bassoon player who doesn’t understand why George Lucas made those Star Ward prequels, seeks like-minded individuals to create […]

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