Have you seen this?

Some people are analytical, observant and perceptive. I am not analytical, observant and perceptive and really have to work hard at putting one foot in front of the other, turning off cartoons and turning on […]

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What Would Don Corleone Buy?

I know. I did this before, here: What Would Heathcliff Buy? . Well, I’m bored again and my mind is wandering down strange roads. Here are the fruits of today’s mental meanderings. Let us take […]

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Some people are a law unto themselves

We don’t all get restraining orders taken out against us for stalking Bon Jovi for reasons of non-love but a lot of us have had dealings with the law. Some of these dealings are for […]

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Know the signs before its too late

As someone who may or may not be a parent, I may or may not know what it’s like to bring a child up but what happens when the child stops being cute and starts […]

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Nice to see you

They were consummate professionals. Their attention to detail was what made the difference and made their work stand out from the rest. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul and it was […]

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