Trolls, Potions, and Myths, Oh My!

  The other night, I was diligently working from my home office when my husband interrupted to ask me a question. Okay, so maybe I wasn’t doing so much of my actual work that earns me a paycheck.  Perhaps when […]

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The 3 backpackers and a lack of understanding, not seen since the Star Wars prequels.

Like areolar connective tissue, it was under my skin. Sleeping moments offered no solace and nighttime was nightmare time. Just as magnets confuse the mind of the many, I was one magnet short of a massively […]

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The life of Google

Some say Google is a metaphor for the meaning of life. I’m not gonna lie and pretend that I know what that means. I could always Google it and act like I have independent thought […]

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Google Images

More than one word has been written about Google and I’m going to add to those words right now. When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of […]

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Depraved Penguins Trending on Yahoo!

First of all, let’s just get this out of the way. Yes, I still use Yahoo. I know it’s not as cool and trendy as some other search engines but frankly those engines get on […]

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