The strange case of the three missing cats that Scurvy Jane will probably never see again.

Three of Scurvy Jane’s 72 cats went missing last night and for a time, they where nowhere to be seen. I had a theory that they went to Tunisia where they have Tuna and I […]

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This is the truth.

As I always say to everyone whose name contains letters or numbers, don’t believe everything you read. In 1991, Thirsty Dave swallowed a fly who had a serious issue with a series of issues. The […]

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Excuse me while I think of an excuse

I’ll talk to anyone, even when they don’t want to talk to me which is always. The upside to this is that you meet some really interesting people. The downside to the upside is that […]

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Friday Humor Devotional

Dear Lord, please give me the knowledge and the insight to answer my 7-year-old grandson’s question. “If Andy, Barney and Opie live in Mayberry and cousin Clyde lives in Lewisberry . . . who lives […]

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