MacGyver Smile

Little Dill Y is an analytical 7-year-old with all the smarts of a 15-year-old who has 8 years to go, until he reaches his 15th birthday. He knew that Uncle Thirsty Dave was unhappy because […]

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Bride Kidnapping Expert

Thirsty Dave asks Scurvy Jane to marry him, 67.83 times a day. Scurvy’s answer is always a defiant “I’d rather eat 65 medium-sized magnets and attach myself to a fridge than marry you, you good […]

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Social Shower Curtain

The human mind is not easy to understand. Thirsty Dave’s younger brother, MC Thirst is a sociable lover of beer. He goes out socially for a few social beers and then applies for a job […]

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The Lost Innocence of Scurvy Jane

Scurvy Jane thinks she is better than everyone else and she constantly tells everyone else that she’s constantly better than everyone else. She recently started a gang and now has a lot of like-minded individuals […]

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The Highly Focused Ambition of Kevin Chang

Decisions have consequences, actions have reactions and Bon Jovi make me sick. This is just the way things are and there’s nothing we or anyone else can do about it. Scurvy Jane wasn’t always known […]

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Beer and Viagra Don’t Mix!

Thirsty Dave came across a problem that a lot of male men come across when they’ve had too much alcohol to drink. He was about to get deep down & dirty with Scurvy Jane but […]

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If writers wrote as carelessly as some people talk, then adhasdh asdglaseuyt[bn[ pasdlgkhasdfasdf.

Writers. People who write. Writers who are people. People writers. Every single one of the above has an obligation, not to be careless. The written word is as strong as Jill Y’s impulse to buy […]

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World’s Greatest News Anchor

In a move as unusual as dermatological advice from Scurvy Jane, Thirsty Dave has suddenly become interested in the news. The reason this is unusual is that it’s not usual. As a rule, the only […]

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Sometimes you just have to look down the barrel of a gun

There was nothing unusual about the conversation that day: Scurvy Jane: How heavy does a chin weigh? Sugartastic Daddy John: The weight of a chin depends on size, shape and bone structure. Scurvy Jane: Does […]

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