Beer, prostitutes, rent, food and transport – Two weeks in the life of Thirsty Dave

Change is necessary to change things but what happens to Thirsty Dave when Scurvy Jane goes on holidays with the girls and leaves him to fend for himself for two weeks? I’m glad you asked […]

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The strange disappearance of the beer, Thirsty Dave and the picture of the beer.

One moment I had a beer and the next moment I hadn’t a beer. The only thing that happened during those moments, was the brief appearance of Thirsty Dave, followed by the swift disappearance of […]

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Rednecks in the Mist – The Observational Study of an Over Populated Species

Hello, I’m David Attenborough. Well, not really it’s me Deb but I thought this story would be better narrated in the voice of Mr. Attenborough. Welcome to my show, “Exploring the Unexplored and Nonsensical.” Today […]

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