Just like all pictures, I knew this picture would end up on the internet

I’m not a big fan of doing things, preferring instead, not to do things. “You won’t do it”, they said. “Who won’t do it?”, said I. “You won’t”, said they. This behaviour went on for […]

With great thirst comes great need to quench that thirst.

With great thirst comes great need to quench that thirst. There was something different about the morning in question. Usually when Jill Y tells me to do something, I pretend not to do it and […]

Thirsty Dave Sr. tells Thirsty Dave Jr. the way it isn’t.

When opportunity comes a knocking, you need to grab hold and hold on tight with all of your hands. Sometimes opportunity knocks gently like a gentle breeze, gently minding its own business. Sometimes that opportunity […]