Perry Orders New Session To Pass Abortion Restrictions, New Rules Bar Sneakers and Depend Undergarments

A day after a heroic filibuster by Senator Wendy Davis and an “unruly mob” in the state Capitol blocked passage of a bill that would have imposed strict new regulations on abortion in Texas, Governor […]

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How NOT To Let Your Scandal Become A Dud

According to the Pew Research Center for People and the Press, the majority of  Americans don’t care about the NSA scandal and believe that electronic surveillance for the use of finding terrorists is acceptable. So, […]

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What my call history says about me: An investigation on behalf of the NSA

The National Security Agency (NSA) is apparently collecting phone records from millions of Verizon customers.  This comes as part of a top secret court order issued on April 25, 2013. As a Verizon customer, I’m […]

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