Barbie Bitch aka Kim Kardashian

I often get confused for a talented man with a sense of humor who has and an actual interest in what people say or do. I don’t know how it happens but it happens. Some people […]

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The slightly unusual conversation between Sara and Guest

Guest was dying. He needed a kidney. They were all out of kidneys at the kidney shop so he searched online and found himself talking to Sara. Guest spoke and Sara spoke. The conversation went […]

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The Credible King

You might say to yourself, “I know who The Credible Hulk is” but not everyone does and for the benefit of those who don’t, your eyes will communicate a thought to your brain right now: […]

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How Chief Money Maker Lost a Finger Because of Dust

“Hey B-Bop…count Chief Money Maker’s toes.”  The four-year old child of a friend jumped on the task and began counting down Chief’s toes as they peeked out of his sandals. “…seven………….eight……………..nine???”  Then he stood there […]

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