Strawberry Freezer Jams and Round Things and Not Round Things

American Breakfast STRAWBERRY FREEZER JAM INGREDIENTS 2 cups fresh, crushed strawberries (about 1 pound whole)2 tablespoons lemon juice4¼ cups sugar¾ cup water6 tablespoons (1 1.75 oz box) fruit pectin powder SPECIAL UTENSILS potato masher or […]

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Colombian Dessert Inspires the Beatles

Colombian Desserts SIMPLE OBLEA SANDWICH INGREDIENTS 2 oblea wafers or other 6″ wafers3 tablespoons each of one or more of the following fillings:caramel sauce (If you can get the authentic Colombian caramel sauce, arequipe, go […]

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Swedish Raspberry Cave Cookies and the Evolution of Life

Swedish Dessert SWEDISH RASPBERRY CAVE COOKIES(Hallongrottor) INGREDIENTS 1¼ cups butter, softened⅔ cup sugar2 teaspoons baking powder2 cups flour½ cup potato starch or corn starch2 teaspoons vanilla extract½ cup raspberry jam (or your choice of jam) […]

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