Denise prays to God

Denise is a good kid. Like a lot of kids she’s going through that phase where she believes in Unicorns, Santa and God. Each night she goes to sleep, not hating the world and long […]


In Sin City, there’s as much sin as there is in any other city but what a damn cool name for a place. A friend of mine goes to a weight loss class. She’s allowed […]

Today’s Top Story: Beyoncé Lip Syncs (Oh Yeah And People Are Starving and Dying and Stuff)

Every morning as I’m getting ready for work, the top story on Good Morning America and other network news outlets has been the controversy (and I use that word so loosely bolts are dropping out) […]

Encyclopedia Paranoiaca Author Whines At 9

Grammy and Emmy winner Christopher Cerf joins Dr. Nancy Berk on this special episode of Whine At 9. Find out about his fascinatingly funny new book (co-authored with the legendary Henry Beard) and learn more […]

Friday Humor Devotional

Dear Lord, please give me the strength not to duct tape my mother-in-law to a chair and thrash her with a bamboo cane.  After 8-years of marriage she continues to introduce me as the-gold-digging-slut-whore-who-married-her-baby-boy, Amen.