Who The Hell Is Watching Me?

I am convinced there is a higher force watching over us, but not the kindly, altruistic, divine type you’re thinking of.  No, this one is much more sinister and devious and, well, greedy.  It’s the […]

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Too many people buy things they don’t need with money they don’t have, trying to impress people they don’t even like.

Thirsty Dave took out a mortgage to buy Scurvy Jane a new pair of shoes, when he saw something that made him think:

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Coupon Cravings

I’m an addict.  A full blown addict.  My drug of choice?  Normally it’s Chipotle burritos, but lately it’s become coupons and online shopping. I can’t get enough.  I’m a junkie and nothing makes me feel more alive […]

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Kickstarter Hacked!

On Wednesday, law enforcement officials contacted Kickstarter to inform them hackers had gained access to their customers’ information. What makes this situation awkward is the hackers were able to commit their crime by raising money […]

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Ask What You Can Do For Your Country

We’ve all heard of the Trickle Down Theory. This self-serving fantasy promoted by the rich holds that cutting taxes on upper incomes leads to job creation and spurs economic activity. In reality most of that […]

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